Experience our specialized care for orthopaedic problems including hip and knee problems, sports injuries and fractures. Our team will offer you world class treatment, using expertise gained from top centers in Australia and USA. Our modern clinic located in the heart of Chennai is run professionally with the motto of providing the best orthopaedic care with the least invasive treatment.

We specialize in treatment of arthritis, joint injections, partial knee replacement, total knee replacement, hip replacement, revision (re-do) joint replacements, knee arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, bone tumors, shoulder arthroscopy and fracture care. We are equipped with digital xray, ultrasound, laboratory and pharmacy services. We take great pride in the calibre of our doctors who have had years of international experience at some of the best centres for orthopaedic surgery. Please refer to the section on our team to learn more. In the following section, we have highlighted some of the specialized services that we undertake.


The founding principle of Jayam ortho Care was to have a holistic approach to orthopaedic problems rather than on aggressive surgical treatment. We focus on nonsurgical measures such as lifestyle modifications, exercises, special injections and physiotherapy in an effort to avoid surgeries wherever possible. Our aim is to keep our patients pain-free and mobile with the least invasive treatment modality available. We reserve surgery for those who absolutely need it.

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When knee surgery does become essential due to disabling arthritis, there are options other than total knee replacement. We specialize in a specific type of treatment for arthritis where we replace only the damaged parts of the knee (partial knee replacement). In this treatment, we are able to preserve all the natural ligaments of the knee including the ACL. The recovery is faster and knee strength is regained quickly. The knee bending is so good that most people are even able to squat after partial knee replacement. Dr Arun Kannan trained with Dr William Jiranek, one of the pioneers of partial knee replacement to master the technique of partial knee replacement.

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We have state of the art equipment and internationally trained surgeons to accomplish key-hole surgeries of the knee, hip and shoulder. Many complex joint problems such as meniscal tears, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear, rotator cuff tears of the shoulder, labral tears of the hip are dealt with through key-hole surgeries by our team. When key hole surgery is done, open surgery is avoided and therefore the extent of surgery is much less. Hence, the pain after surgery is drastically reduced and recovery from surgery is very fast

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Total knee replacement is an extremely successful surgery.Over 90% of those who have had this surgery have been shown to be problem free for over 15-20 yearswith the special techniques that we use. With our minimally invasive approach and special injections, pain after surgery is so well controlled that patients start walking the very next day after surgery. We use the best quality knee replacement implants in Chennai and these are the same ones used in top joint replacement centres of the world. Knee replacement is not only a bony surgery but also involves extensive soft tissue balancing that is an art in the hands of the surgeon and can never be substituted by a computer. Failure to recognize this fact can lead to problems after knee replacement. Dr Arun Kannan has extensively researched this topic and his work was presented at the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons annual meeting, 2013. He specializes in performing ligament balanced total knee replacements. We also perform custom fit knee replacements using computer generated models of your knee and this is superior to computer navigated knee replacements that are currently in vogue.

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Total hip replacement is a very rewarding surgery, but has traditionally involved splitting or cutting across muscles to reach the hip joint that makes recovery slow. A new technique of minimally invasive direct anterior hip replacement has gained great popularity over the past few years due to its advantages:

  • No splitting or cutting of muscles
  • Only 3-inch incision
  • Done under Xray control- errors are eliminated
  • Dislocation and nerve damage that can happen with regular hip replacements avoided

This technique is in its infancy in India and because of the specialized nature of the procedure cannot be done by surgeons without specific and extensive training in this technique. Our team has trained at MCV Hospital, Richmond, USA, which is one of the leading centres for this technique.

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Revision of a total hip replacement may involve a simple bearing change, change of the cup part or change of the stem part or both, depending on the cause of revision. Hip revision surgery is more challenging than primary hip replacement due to multiple technical factors such as scarring, loss of bone stock, specialized inventory required for removing implants etc

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Revision of a knee replacement may involve simple change of the plastic insert, revision of the knee cap, or leg bone or thigh bone components or a combination of these. Similar to hip revision, knee revision is a technically challenging procedure that involves the use of specialised techniques and instruments that is best undertaken by someone with formal training in this field.

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